Council 801
Meets Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday

Assembly 1223
Meets Every 1st Tuesday
Adopt-a-Parish Initiative
Since the explosion of ISIS across Iraq in 2014, Christians in the Middle East continue to live in uncertainty and instability, causing us to be witnesses to a near collapse of communities that have survived for hundreds of years.
Although outrage and disbelief are understandable reactions to this reality, the answer to aiding these Christian communities living under persecution does not lie in our empathy, but in the courage to turn our faith into action.
This persecution of Christians must not be viewed as an abstract event in a far-off land—we must understand their suffering as something personal to us. Our commitment to our brothers and sisters in the Middle East must be one in which we are all in; in which we answer the call to be our best selves so that others of our faith may have the opportunity to embody theirs.
To help our Christian brothers and sisters in the Middle East, the councils of District 1 in the jurisdiction of Wyoming, namely Cheyenne, Pine Bluffs, Wheatland, and Torrington, have decided to adopt a Parish in the Middle East. The initiative will not only provide food, housing, infrastructure, and medical facilities, but also improve Christian lives by sparking real social and economic progress. Our goal is $2,500.00 per year for a 2-year commitment.
By adopting the Chaldean Catholic Church of the Virgin Mary in Kirkuk, Iraq as a sister Parish, our Knights of Columbus councils hope to be an instrument of resilience as communities rebuild, taking the shape of deep and ongoing relationships between Iraqi parishes and local councils. By financial support, prayer, fellowship and witness, we hope to breathe the life back into Christian lives.
HOW YOU CAN HELP: Please support our brothers and sisters in the Middle East by donating today at You can also contribute via check made payable to
Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc
One Columbus Plaza
New Haven, CT 06510
Please write “Adopt a Parish initiative – WY District 1” on the memo line of your check.
100% of your donation will go directly to those affected by religious persecution.
No matter how much you give, your generosity and prayers can make a huge impact.