Council 801
Meets Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday

Assembly 1223
Meets Every 1st Tuesday
Christmas Party December 2022
Funeral Honor Guard
Assembly 1223 provided the Honor Guard for Sir Knight Mikael Scott’s funeral on November 17, 2021. Pictured are Mike Pexton, Ron Engelhart, Vince Gierisch, Vinnie Vogel, Bob Chilcott, Darrell Schroeder, Rick Houser, and Chip Halverson.
2021 Chili Cookoff
St Joseph’s Food Pantry Donation
One of our brother Knights donated $600 to the Cheyenne Knights of Columbus to be used for St Joseph’s Food Pantry. The check was presented to Food Pantry Director Eva Estorga by Deputy Grand Knight Ron Engelhart on November 10 2021.
Donation to Saint Mary’s School
Grand Knight Vince Krolikowski presented a check for $1480 to Beth Thompson for St. Mary’s School from the Breakfast Burritos sold by the Knights of Council 801.
2021 Mass at the Our Lady of Peace Shrine
Knights from Council 801 provided the Honor Guard for mass at the Our Lady of Peace Shrine on June 12, 2021 on Pine Bluffs.
2021 March For Life
Knights from Council 801 participated in the 2021 March for Life in Cheyenne on January 30 2021. The march was led by our Color Guard consisting of Captain Vinnie Vogel, Mike Pexton, Brandon Maynard, and Ron Engelhart. After the March, the Cheyenne Knights hosted a Chili and Cornbread Lunch which included delicious cookies from Liz Vogel.
First Communion at Holy Family
The Assembly Honor Guard participated in a First Communion Service at the FE Warren AFB Chapel whose celebrant was the Archbishop of the Military Services, USA, Timothy Broglio. Members were Mike Pexton, Rick Houser, Bob Chilcott, Vin Vogel, Mike Carlin, Darrell Schroeder, Bob Morris and Brandon Maynard.
2020 March for Life
Knights from Council 801 and Assembly 1223, along with Knights from throughout the State of Wyoming, participated in the 2020 March for Life in Cheyenne on January 25. The march was led by our Color Guard consisting of Rick Houser, Mike Pexton, Mike Carlin, Captain Vin Vogel, Joe Welty, Darrell Schroeder, and Bob Morris. After the March, the Cheyenne Knights hosted a Chili and Cornbread Lunch which included delicious cookies from Liz Vogel.
Maynard Richmeier Funeral
The Assembly 1223 Honor Guard participated in funeral services for Brother Maynard Richmeier on January 9, 2020. Members were Brandon Maynard, Mike Pexton, Rick Houser, Bob Morris, Darrell Schroeder, Mike Carlin and Captain Vin Vogel.
2019 Christmas Masses
Assembly 1223 provided Honor Guards for both Holy Trinity’s Christmas Mass at Night and for the Cathedral of St Mary Solemn Midnight Mass in 2019. Participants were Darrell Schroeder, Bob Chilcott, Bob Morris, Mike Carlin, Brandon Maynard, Mike Pexton, and Rick Houser, who also sang in the choir at the cathedral.
Saint Jean Vianney Relic Pilgrimage
The Shrine of Ars, France, entrusted to the Knights of Columbus the major relic of St. Jean Vianney’s incorrupt heart for a national tour in the U.S. Council 801 and Assembly 1223 provided support for the veneration at the Cathedral of St Mary on May 11, 2019. Fr. Jonathan Kalisch, Director of Chaplains and Spiritual Development for the Knights of Columbus, brought the relic to Cheyenne and was the celebrant of the 4pm Mass. Veneration occurred before and after the service. Approximately 800 viewed the relic and accompanying icon.
Fr. Andrew Kinstetter with relic and members of the Honor Guard: District Master Robert Taylor, Pete Muehl, Jim Krasovich, Bob Chilcott, Mike Carlin, Vinnie Vogel, and Past State Deputy Joe Welty.
Jim Krasovich and Pete Muehl assisted those with objects to touch the first class relic and thereby obtain a 3rd class relic.
Divine Mercy Sunday at Saint Joseph’s
Assembly 1223 provided an Honor Guard on April 28, 2019, at St. Joseph Catholic Church for the Eucharistic Holy Hour for Divine Mercy Sunday, which included a procession. Members were Vinnie Vogel, Jake Valdez, Mike Carlin, Rudy Martinez, and Rick Houser.
Holy Trinity Easter Vigil
Assembly 1223 provided ushers for Holy Trinity’s Easter Vigil Mass on April 20, 2019: Pete Meuhl, Mike Carlin, and Vinnie Vogel.
Congratulations Vincent and Carrol
Brother Knights Vincent Krolikowski and Deacon Carrol Schell received their Honorary Life Membership at our Council meeting on April 9th, 2019.
Cheyenne Knights Install Handicap Ramp
On a blustery Friday, January 25, 2019, about a dozen Knights, at the behest of Deacon Carroll Schell, gathered at the home of St Mary’s parishioner Mark Howshar to install a handicap ramp. Mark has MS and the ramp will now allow him to move to and from his house with his scooter. The existing wooden porch had to be removed, the frozen ground leveled, and the metal ramp assembled.
Seeing Mark able to get outside with his son for the first time in quite a while brought a smile to all present.
March for Life in Cheyenne
The 2019 March for Life in Cheyenne on January 19 was conducted from the Old Train Depot to the steps of the State Supreme Court Building. Several hundred marched in prayerful solidarity in support of respect for life from conception to natural death. A Color Guard from Assembly 1223 led the procession. Lunch was provided by Council 801 following the march.
Members of the Guard for the march were Jerry Hoeffler from Torrington and Mike Hackett, Brandon Maynard, Pete Muehl, Jim Storey and Vin Vogel.
Knights Serve Lunch to Homeless
Pictured here are Jim Storey, Tom Enright, Josh Andreucci, Jim Cusick, Daryl Stoltz, Bob Chilcott and Rick Houser. Not present was Chef John Kaiser.
Our Lady Help of Persecuted Christians Prayer Service
Council 801 hosted a prayer service at the Cathedral of St Mary the evening of January 3, 2019, conducted by Rev August Koeune and assisted by Rev Jaimon Dominic. Over 70 Knights, family members and parishioners attended in prayerful solidarity with persecuted Christians throughout the world.
Congratulations Jim
Holy Trinity First Communion Honor Guard
2018 Christmas Parade
Council 801 again provided a “Keep Christ in Christmas” float in the 2018 Cheyenne Christmas parade conducted this year on November 24.
Thanksgiving Lunch at St. Mary’s School
Council 801 Knights served Thanksgiving lunch to over 450 clergy, staff, students and parents of St Mary’s Catholic School on November 18, 2018.
New Sir Knights
Confirmation 2018
Holy Trinity Confirmation: Saturday, 20Oct18 Honor Guard — L to R: Mike Carlin, Pete Meuhl, Matt Thompson, Jim Storey, Josh Andreucci, Jake Valdez, Vin Vogel. Not pictured — Ushers: Chuck Hall, Bob Morris, Dennis Smyth.
Saint Joseph’s Food Pantry
A number of the Cheyenne Knights of Columbus and their wives volunteer each week at St. Joseph’s Food Pantry. Some go to suppliers and pick up donations. Some arrange the dispersal tables. Some fill bags and boxes with food on the tables and place it on portable racks for movement to the pick-up area. Some push the racks and some deliver the bags and boxes to clients and often help them load it into their vehicles. These Knights volunteer each week:
• Monday — Rick and Sue Weingardt
• Tuesday —Darrell and Donna Schroeder
• Wednesday — Fr John Murray, Tom DeHoff, John Emmerich, and Mike and Terry Carlin
• Thursday — Mike Cunningham, Luis Rodriguez, Ron Poelma, Steve Melia, Cindy Christofferson, and Ernestine Chandler
Moving Assistance
Knights assisted an elderly couple move their household from a storage facility to a new home on Saturday, October 6, 2018. Among the crew were Tim Bolin, Jim Buchanan, Mike Carlin, Bob Chilcott, Mike Hackett, Matt Leininger and Jim Storey. Photos by Mike Carlin.
Replacing Light Bulbs at Saint Mary’s
Knights changed four halogen bulbs at St Mary’s Cathedral on September 27, 2018. The work crew included Kaiser, Lee, Storey, Christofferson, Buchanan, Weingardt, McKinney, Luis Rodriguez, our daring young man who ascended to the heights, Jeff Shaffer, and Richmeier (supervisor). Just how many Knights DOES it take to change a light bulb? Photos by Mike Carlin.
St Mary’s School Foundation Breakfast
Our Knights provided tables and chairs for the St Mary’s School Foundation Breakfast honoring Msgr. James O’Neill on September 27, 2018. Pictured here are Jim Storey, Mike Hackett, Dick Munn, John Kaiser and Maynard Richmeier (supervisor) Photos by Mike Carlin.
Life Choice Pregnancy Center Mobile Ultrasound Fundraiser
We have successfully raised enough funds to purchase an ultrasound in association with the funding from National Knights of Columbus. This ultrasound machine has been purchased and dedicated for LifeChoice Pregnancy Center which women and families dealing with unintended pregnancies understand and work through their options. Thank you for you generous support. If you would like to learn more about LifeChoice, you can visit their website here.
Annual Campout – Summary by Grand Knight Jim Storey
Brother Knights, I am pleased to report that the campout last weekend at Curt Gowdy State Park was enjoyed by all who participated. For those that didn’t make it up, you missed a great milk can dinner Friday and steak on Saturday, not to mention a couple fine breakfasts. We are grateful that Father Mike Carr was able to fill in for our Chaplain, Father August Koeune, for Mass on Saturday evening. A special thanks to Jerry Plumley, who celebrated his 65th birthday this weekend, for again arranging and executing this wonderful family event. I encourage all to plan on coming next year!
Photos From Previous Events
Immediate Past Grand Knight Tom Sweeney (left) was recognized for his service from 2016-18 by current GK Jim Storey at the Council’s Business Meeting Tuesday, August 14.
Assembly 1223 officers for the 2018-19 Fraternal Year were installed in June. Pictured here are (L to R) Faithful Purser Jim Storey, Faithful Captain Darrell Schroeder, Chip Halverson, Inside Sentinel Matt Thompson, Past District Master Doug Gasseling, Faithful Navigator Mike Carlin, One Year Trustee Gene Jonart, and Color Guard Captain Vin Vogel.
Retiring Honor Guard Captain William “Pete” Muehl was honored in June by Assembly 1223 Faithful Navigator Mike Carlin. District Master Robert Taylor described Pete as “The Best Honor Guard Captain in Wyoming.”
Retiring Honor Guard Captain William “Pete” Muehl was honored in June by Assembly 1223 Faithful Navigator Mike Carlin. District Master Robert Taylor described Pete as “The Best Honor Guard Captain in Wyoming.”